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Free Printable Behavior Charts and Reward Charts for Kids!

Parenting Information

Parenting Articles


Welcome to our page of Parenting Articles. Here you will find a wealth of information about Parenting and Behavior Management. And if you need a specific behavior chart, please let us know. We are happy to make up charts and printables per request.

Behavior Charts

How to Use Behavior Charts
Behavior Charts: Helpful Strategies and Not Harmful Practices!
The Best Free Printable Behavior Charts for Kids
7 Tips for Behavior Chart Success
Motivating Kids with Behavior Charts
How to Use Our Potty Training Charts
Behavior Chart Examples
Reward Ideas for Kids

Behavior Problems/Tricky Behavior

Attention Seeking Behavior
Brushing Teeth
Ignoring Consequences
Inappropriate Soiling
Not Listening
Picky Eating
Power Struggles
Sibling Rivalry
When Good Kids Misbehave

Managing Behavior-Toddlers & Young Kids

Using Behavior Charts
Separation Anxiety in Toddlers
75 Ways to Say Good Job
Consequences for Young Kids and Toddlers
Reward Ideas
Getting Through the Terrible Twos, Threes and Fours
Giving Effective Timeouts
Stopping a Temper Tantum
Tantrums-Breaking the Cycle
Disciplining Your Two-Year-Old


Teaching Kids About Natural Consequences
Discipline-Natural and Logical Consequences
Setting Limits with Kids
Using Behavior Charts
Reward ideas for Kids


Consequences, Teens & Calm Behavior
Improving Parent-Teen Relationships
Helping Your Teen with Body Image
Teen Parenting Tips
Getting Along with Your Preteen
Parenting an Angry Teen

Difficult Children

Oppositional Defiant Disorder
When Good Parents Have Difficult Children

Positive Parenting

Top 5 Parenting Mistakes
75 Ways to Say Good Job
Reward Ideas for Kids
Perfect Parents Don't Exist
Parenting the Child You Have
Regain Parental Control
Start Parenting More Effectively
How to Teach and Show Respect
New Year's Resolutions for Parents
Stop Battling and Start Enjoying Your Child
When to Negotiate with Kids
Setting Rules and Consequences
Is Your Child Ready to Be Home Alone?
Good Cop/Bad Cop Parenting
Helping Children Adjust to a New Baby
Helping Children Cope with Divorce
Spending Money on Kids
Dealing Effectively with Temper Tantrums
Gaining Respect from Kids is a Two Way Street
Why Kids Tune Us Out
Creating Accountability in Your Home

Calm Parenting

How to Stop a Fight with Your Child
Walking Away From a Fight with Your Child
Keeping Cool When Kids Push Your Buttons
Give Up the "Last Straw" and Be a Calmer Parent
Can Angry Attention Make Kids Worse?
How to Avoid Power Struggels with Your Child
Improve Communication with Your Child and Stop Arguing

Mindfulness and Self-Compassion

Mindfulness Makes You a Better Parent
Parents, Give Yourselves a Break
10 Ways to Stay Mindful this Holiday Season
The Power of Self-Compassion


Establishing Good Bedtime and Homework Habits
Managing School Problems
Back to School Structure
Beat the Back to School Struggle
Is My Child an Underachiever?
Homework Strategies for Parents and Kids
Homework Tips for Kids and Teens
Navigating School When Your Child Has a Disability
Back to School Anxiety
Back To School Organization
When Kids Don't Want to Go to School
Coping with Bullying in School
Getting Your Kids to Love Reading
Gifted Children-Getting the Balance Right
Selecting the Right Book for Your Child

Classroom Management-for Teachers

Classroom Management Strategies
First Year Survival
Stop Bullying in Your Classroom
Controlling the Uncontrollable Class

Potty Training/Bedwetting

Using Our Potty Training Charts
Nine Fun Ways to Potty Train
When Should I Start Potty Training?
Potty Training Readiness
Potty Training Boys
Potty Training at Daycare and Preschool
Potty Training Kids with Autism
Potty Training Accidents
Creative Potty Training Tips
Potty Training Regression
Bedwetting Solutions that Really Work

Child Development/Child Care

Birth to Age Five
Six to Eleven
Preteens & Teens
How to Interview a Nanny
Potty Training at Daycare and Preschool
Importance Of Play In Chlld Development


But Mom, I'm Not Tired!
Is Your Teen Sleeping Enough?
When Kids Are Afraid of the Dark
How to Help Your Child Fall Asleep
Getting Kids to Sleep in Their Beds
Stop the Morning Drama and Get Kids Out of Bed


Age Appropriate Chores for Kids
Getting Kids to Work at Home
3 Steps to Chore Chart Success
Daily Hygiene Behaviors are NOT Chores
Allowance for Kids
Getting Kids to Do Chores
Chores for Teens and Tweens
Getting Kids to Pick Up Toys

ADHD/Autism/Sensory Processing Disorder/Anxiety/Diabetes/Special Needs

Tips for Parenting ADHD and Spirited Kids
5 New Year's Resolutions for Parents of Kids with Special Needs
ADHD and ADD Children-Tips to Manage Behavior
ADHD Kids and Summer
When Your Child is Diagnosed with Autism
Discipline and Autism
Potty Training Kids with Autism
Sleep Challenges and Kids with Autism
Building a Predictable Environment
Establishing Routines for a Child with Autism
Children with Sensory Processing Disorders
Sensory Processing Disorder and Picky Eating
Helping Children with Anxiety
Separation Anxiety
Back to School Anxiety
Parenting Kids with Diabetes

Stress Management

Stress Management Tips for Parents and Caregivers
Stress-Guarding Your Family
Managing Holiday Stress
Preventing Patental Bumout

Alternative Families

Successful Stepparenting
Start Your Stepparenting Experience on the Right Path
How to Foster Respect and Cooperation in Your Blended Family
Raising Grandchildren
Becoming a Foster Parent


Set Limits for Your Kids this Summer
Summer Break Strategies
Create Accountability During Summer Break
Enjoy Your Summer Without Losing Your Sanity
Summer Survival for Parents


Managing Holiday Stress
5 New Year's Resolutions for Parents of Kids with Special Needs
Teach Responsible Behavior this School Break
10 Ways to Give Thanks with Your Family
Holiday Survival Tips for Divorced Families
10 Ways to Stay Mindful this Holiday Season
Halloween Party Snacks
Halloween Safety
New Year's Resolutions for Parents
Top Tips for Traveling with Kids


Selecting the Right Pet for Your Family
Helping Children Cope with Loss of a Pet
Pet Care Resources
