Printable Chore Dice
Chore Dice

Chore dice are a great complement to chore charts and fun to make! Chore dice make picking chores more fun! Chores are given out based on the roll of the dice. Hopefully, chore dice will help deter kids from complaining about unfair chore assignments! If you’d like us to make up custom chore dice for you, please drop us a line, and we’ll make them for free.
Chore Dice 1 (mow, clean room, make bed, hang up clothes, pick up clothes, vacuum)
Chore Dice 2 (mow, rake, sweep, wash car, walk dog, feed pets)
Chore Dice 3 (babysit, feed pets, sweep, shovel, clean table, put dishes away)
Chore Dice 4 (wash table, set table, put dishes away, wash dishes, dry dishes, load dishwasher)
Chore Dice 5 (feed cat, wash dishes, make bed, pick up clothes, take out trash, wsh table)
Chore Dice 6 (vacuum, wash dishes, trash, set table, put dishes away, pick up clothes)
Chore Dice 7 (clean room, sweep, set the table, take out garbage, wash dishes, clear the table)
Chore Dice 8 (dust, feed dog, walk dog, clean room, put toys away, put dishes away)
Chore Dice 9 (wash car, babysit, water the garden, dust, wash clothes, clean room)
Chore Dice 10 (mow, sweep, babysit, put groceries away, wash clothes, clean room)