Behavior Bucks
Free Printable Behavior Bucks for Home and School

Behavior Bucks! Our printable behavior bucks can be used like money to earn rewards for positive behavior. A child can earn behavior bucks for doing chores, behaving appropriately, doing homework, reading, practicing an instrument, or any other activity that deserves a reward. Behavior bucks can be cashed in for treats or privileges. We've included bucks valued at $1, $5, and $10, depending on your needs. See our reward list for some behavior buck reward ideas. And to help you keep track of your behavior buck totals, we've included a behavior bucks printable chart and reward list!
Behavior Buck Chart/Behavior Buck Reward List
Chore Bucks Chore Chart (one and two weeks)
Behavior Buck Smile 1, 5, 10
Behavior Buck Money 1, 5, 10
Behavior Buck Money 2, 3, 4
Happy Face Green 1, 5, 10
Play Instrument Bucks 1, 5, 10
Brush Teeth Bucks 1