Rewards for Kids
Behavior Chart Reward Ideas

The best rewards are time spent with family and friends. But, we've also given you some ideas for more tangible rewards! For a printable version, see our page of Postems. And don't forget to check out our Printable Reward Certificates and Printable Reward Coupons.
Kids in this age group do better with immediate rewards. So, even if you're going to take them on an outing as a reward, have something available to give them to represent the outing such as a coupon with "Out To Ice Cream" written on it.
- Stickers
- Dollar Store Items
- Crayons
- Pencils
- Markers
- Books
- Second Hand Store Toys (action figures, etc)
- Match Box Cars
- New toothbrush
- Candy (Gummy Bears, Dots, etc)
- Doll clothes
- Printable certificate
- A trip to the "treasure box" (this can contain inexpensive little things like dollar store items, pencils, crayons, etc.)
- Books
- Sticker on a sticker chart
- An outing for a special treat such as ice cream
- Markers
- Pencils
- Books
- Little Notebooks
- Erasers
- New toothbrush
- Books
- Pencil Cushies
- Pens
- Hair ornaments
- Doll clothes
- Card game
- Printable certificate
- A trip to the "treasure box" (this can contain inexpensive little things like dollar store items, pencils, crayons, etc.)
- Earn a play date
- Earn a sleepover
- Pick a favorite meal
- Out to eat with family member
- Extra computer time
- Extra TV time
- Go to a movie
- Go get ice cream
- Pick a special game to play with a family member like a board game, video game, sports game
- Go for a walk/hike with a family member
- A trip to the park
- Parent will do child's chores for a time period
- Markers
- Pencils
- Books
- Little Notebooks
- Erasers
- New toothbrush
- Books
- Pencil Cushies
- Pens
- Hair ornaments
- A song for mp3 player
- New computer/video game
- Card Game
- Printable certificate
- Earn a sleepover
- Pick a favorite meal
- Out to eat with family member
- Extra computer time
- Extra TV time
- Go to a movie
- Go get ice cream
- Extra time added to curfew
- (For drivers) Additional time to use the car
- Go for a walk/hike with a family member
- Parent will do child's chores for a time period
by Joanne McNulty, Free Printable Behavior Charts