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Free Printable Behavior Charts and Reward Charts for Kids!

Getting Kids to Do Chores is Easier than You Think!

children doing chores

Getting kids to do chores isn't as tricky as you think if you instill a positive attitude about helping around the house from an early age.  Good role modeling doesn't hurt either!  Check out some of our helpful tips below, and see if getting your kids to do chores is less of a chore!!

Use a chore chart to structure chores and provide simple rewards.  Stickers work great as an incentive for younger kids.  Check out our free printable chore charts!         

Involve kids in work around the house at a young age. With younger kids, you can make chores into a game. For example, have a contest to see who can pick up the most toys in the living room or make loading the dishwasher a puzzle game. Instill a positive feeling early on about helping around the house.

Role model good behavior. As kids get older, they become frustrated with the "do as I say, not as I do" approach. Pitch in and take a positive attitude when doing your own work around the house.  Have your kids help you with home projects. Kids will be more motivated when they see a positive example!

Give kids choice instead of assigning chores For example, write a list of chores down, and each week have the kids pick some out of a hat. Or, have the kids decide among themselves who will do what chores each week. Help your kids negotiate chores, and encourage them to work together to get chores done. Rotate chores so the work is divided evenly. Again, a chore chart can be very helpful as a starting place to keep track of chores.

Establish a reasonable time for chores to be done. For example, "clean the table before bed or feed the dog before school" works better than "feed the dog NOW". Again, this approach will give your child some sense of control over the chore

Don't forget the most important tip...praise, praise, praise. Catch your child being good, praise the way in which she did the chore, or praise how your children worked together to get their chores done. If you need some ideas on the right words to use to praise your child, check out our page on 75 Ways To Say Good Job!
