Pet Care Behavior Charts
Pet Care Resources

Along with using your Pet Care Behavior Charts, you will find a few pet care resource links below. We try to check these occasionally as some links become inactive. Our goal is to link to reputable sites with correct information about pet care! Best of luck with your pet!
For some great care sheets and pet care tips check out the Humane Society's Veterinary Medical Association page!
A great site for loads of information is Cats International which is a nonprofit, educational organization dedicated to helping people better understand cats!
Hamster Care is a great article by the Humane Society.
Hamster Hideout is a very informative hamster site.
Find some great goldfish care tips from Pet MD: How to Take Care of a Goldfish
Reptiles Magazine has a Cornsnake Care Sheet
CavySpirit.Com for all sorts of Guinea Pig information
Check our PETA's Caring for Ferrets article.
Reptile Magazine talks about Fire Bellied Toad Care.
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