Teach Responsible Behavior this School Break

Breaks from school can terrify even the most confident parent. Whether it’s Spring break, Christmas break or a long weekend, it only takes a short time before kids start fighting and parents hear those dreaded words, “I’m bored.” Parents scramble trying to find activities to keep their kids busy, but often times, kids fall back on video games, television and cell phones.
If you’re looking for a few ways to keep your kids busy in conscientious, responsible ways, then keep reading!
Set up a family project.
Many parents are home with kids during breaks. This is a great time to tackle some projects on the to-do list. Have a family meeting, and discuss some project options. Find out which ones sound interesting to the kids. Make it sound fun! Enthusiasm is contagious. Maybe you want to turn a spare bedroom into a play room for the kids. It could be as simple as rearranging furniture and decorating the walls with new posters or as complex as painting! You decide!
Find ways that your family members can volunteer in the community. Ideally, parents can also volunteer and model community conscious behavior. And your kids may be a bit more willing to volunteer if you accompany them. Check out local food banks, soup kitchens or senior services. Kids will get some great work experience in addition to learning how to be more compassionate and caring members of their community.
Have kids plan a fun activity or trip.
Have a family meeting to discuss what types of activities that the family/kids can do over the break. Activities may involve time with friends, or they may all be family activities. Or, maybe everyone would like to take a trip. If you’re in a colder climate, activities such as sledding, skating or skiing are nice options. In a warmer climate, a trip to a national park or the beach is an option. Inside activities can be lots of fun including movie nights, sleepovers, and theme parties. Have the kids take charge of planning and preparing for the activity or trip. They will develop some great planning skills and learn how to work cooperatively.
Beat school break boredom by giving your kids some control over their break. You can have some family fun and build conscientious, responsible kids at the same time!.
by Joanne McNulty, M.S., Free Printable Behavior Charts